Book Report has a fair number of settings. This page briefly explains them all.
Currency: Set it to whichever currency you like to run your business in - all money displayed in the reports will be reported in the currency you set here.
Show marketplace filter dropdown? When turned on, this setting adds a third dropdown to the Historical tab that lets you filter by marketplace. If you want to see only sales from, or all sales outside of, use this setting.
Show table rows with no activity? By default, Book Report doesn't include a row in the Details table if it's all zeroes. If you set this to "Yes", it will show those rows.
Show covers? If you set this to "No", then no book covers will be displayed. It's mainly useful if you'd like to use Book Report in a public place without displaying your covers to anyone walking by.
Leading time zone? This setting is for people who live in timezones that are far ahead of Amazon. If your computer runs one day ahead of Amazon, then your sales for "Today" will always be zero, unless you turn this setting on. It ignores the timezone your computer is and runs on Amazon's timezone instead.
Play kaching for new earnings? When this option is turned on, your computer will play a cash register "Ka-ching!" sound effect whenever your earnings for the day increase.
How should Book Report estimate KU earnings? Book Report needs to estimate the value of each page read, until the official royalty numbers come out. Click here to read about the three options.